Welcome to WEBEAS

Workshop of Experimental and Behavioral Economics of the Americas 

This online workshop series is a joint effort of economics faculty at Carleton University (Canada), George Mason University (US), Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México-ITAM (México), University of California Santa Cruz (US), Universidad del Pacífico (Perú) and Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). 

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 Organizing Committee

 Upcoming Seminars 

Greg Leo (Vanderbilt University)

Title: "Minimal Experiments" joint with PJ. Healy

Stephan Jagau (Nottingham University Business School and UC Irvine)

Title: "Selection Pressure in Strategic Environments" joint with John Duffy (UCI) Ethan Holdahl (UCI) Francisco Klapp (Adolfo Ibañez)


Title: TBA

Daniela Puzzelo (University of Indiana) 

Title: TBA


Title: TBA

Lanny Zrill (Concordia University)

Title: TBA

John Hamman (Florida State University)

Title: TBA

Huan Xie (Université Concordia, Canada) 

Title: TBA

Rosario Macera (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Title: TBA

 Past Seminars 


Luba Petersen (Simon Fraser University)

Title: "A Horse Race of Monetary Policy Regimes: An Experimental Investigation"

Marco Schwarz (University Düsseldorf)

Title: "A Dynamic Theory of Regulatory Capture" (with Alessandro De Chiara) 

John Duffy (University of California, Irvine)

Title: "Facing the Grim Truth: Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Against Robot Opponents" (co-authored with Ed Hopkins and Tatiana Kornienko)

Stephanie Szonszein  (University of Berkeley)

Title: "Immigrant Personal Narratives Reduce Exclusionary Attitudes towards Immigration."

Hanna Fuhrman Riebel  (IDOS, Germany) 

Title: "Correcting Misperceptions About Trends and Norms to Address Weak Collective Action" (joint with Ben D'Exelle, Kristian Lopez-Vargas, Sebastian Tonke and Arjan Verschoor) 

Brit Grosskopf  (University of Exeter)  

Title: "Predictably competitive? What faces can tell us about competitive behavior" (joint with Loukas Balafoutas and Helena Fornwagner) 

Kathleen Ngangue  (University of California, Los Angeles) 

Title: "The Resolution of Uncertainty in the Values and Probability Domains" (joint with Eungik Lee and Andrew Schotter) 

Ricardo Perez Truglia  (University of Berkeley) 

Title: "Where Do My Tax Dollars Go? Tax Morale Effects of Perceived Government Spending" 

Martin Dufwenberg  (University of Arizona) 

Title: "Threats" (joint work with Flora Li and Alec Smith) 

Maria Cubel  (University of Bath)

Title: "Identity and Corruption: A Laboratory Experiment" (joint work with Nastasia Papadopoulou  and Santiago Sanchez-Pages)

Jean Paul Rabanal  (University of Stavanger)

Title: "Trade, voting, and ESG policies: Theory and evidence" (joint work with Daniel Friedman, John Duffy and Olga Rudd)

Jose Guerra  (Universidad de los Andes)

Title: "Anti-social norms" (joint work with Leopoldo Fergusson and James Robinson) 



Danila Serra  (Texas A&M University)

Title:  "Information, Beliefs and Activism: An Experiment" (joint with Farzana Afridi, Ahana Basistha, and Amrita Dhillon).


     Charles Noussair  (University of Arizona)

Title:  "Emotions and Markets: Cause or Effect?" 

     Andrew Dustan  (Vanderbilt University)

Title:  "Reduction in Belief Elicitation" (joint work with Kristine Koutout and Greg Leo). 

     Isabel Trevino  (University of Californa, San Diego)

    Title: “Uncovering Biases in Information Choice and its Use: The Role of Strategic Uncertainty” (joint work with Michal Szkup)

Cesar Martinelli  (George Mason University)

Title: "Career Incentives and Corruption: A Lab Experiment” (joint work with Naila Esandi)

Timothy Cason  (Purdue University)

Title: "Contingent Reasoning and Dynamic Public Goods Provision” (joint work with Evan Calford)

Marina Agranov  (California Institute of Technology)

Title: "Information Aggregation on Networks: an Experimental Study"  (joint work with Ben Gillen and Dotan Persitz) 

Inácio Bo  (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)

Title: “Pick-an-object Mechanisms” (joint work with Rustam Hakimov)  

Joy Buchanan  (Samford University)

Title: “Women Willing to Program 

Tim Friehe  (Southern Methodist University)

Title: “Keep Them Out of It! How Concerns for Others’ Privacy Influence the Willingness to Sell Personal Data” (joint work with Leonie Gerhards and Franziska Weber) 

Timothy Salmon  (Southern Methodist University)

Title: “Is 'Real' Effort More Real? 

Karen Ye  (Queen's University)

Title: “Understanding peer effects in educational decisions: Theory and evidence from a field experiment

Paul Feldman  (Johns Hopkins University)

Title: "A Certainty Effect for Preference Reversals Under Risk: Experiment and Theory" (joint work with Paul J. Ferraro)  

Julia Seither  (JILAEE & University of Rosario)

Title: "The Economics of Women’s Entrepreneurship" (joint work with Megan Lang)

Axel Ockenfels  (University of Cologne, Germany)

Title: "Why is the soft reserve auction so popular?"

John Wooders  (NYU Abu Dhabi)

Title: “Expertise, Gender, and Equilibrium Play” (joint work with Romain Gauriot and Lionel Page).

Lucas A. Rentschler  (Utah State University)

Title:“Economics of Policing Incentives and Criminal Justice”

Mikhail Freer  (University of Essex) 

Title:“Collective Deliberation: Theory and Experiment” (jointly with Edgar Castro and César Martinelli) 


Mariana Blanco  (Universidad del Rosario) 

Title:“How to make a criminal” (Joint with Dan Houser)

Kristian López Vargas  (University of California, Santa Cruz) 

Title:“Disentangling Risk Attitudes and Other-Regarding Preferences: Theory and Experiment” (Joint with Paul Feldman)

Yue Deng  (George Mason University) 

Title:“The Opioid Crisis and Secondary Markets: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment” 

Agne Kajackaite  (WZB Berlin Social Science Center) 

Title:“Breaking bad: Misfunctioning institutions erode good behavior”

Santiago Sautua  (Universidad del Rosario) 

Title:“Emotional influence on information processing in decisions under uncertainty” 

Hernan Bejarano  (Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economica) 

Title:"When the rich do (not) trust the (newly) rich: Experimental evidence on the effects of positive random shocks in the trust game"

Johanna Mollerstrom  (George Mason University) 

Title:"Your place in the world: Relative income and global inequality"

Daniel Friedman  (University of California, Santa Cruz and University of Essex)

Title:“Market mysteries, old, and new”   


If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us at rebel@urosario.edu.co
